
Friday, October 28, 2011


It's amazing how time flies!!!

Brian's last day at Cerner is today...I think the nerves have finally set in with him and there's been a little more tension in the house.

The packers are here today putting EVERYTHING in boxes.  Since we won't have access to this stuff for 5 weeks, we had to set aside anything we might need.  There is an entire room of clothes, toys, electronics, etc. that we are hoping will fit into the back of the van...AHHHHH!

Speaking of the van....she needs a name....suggestions?

We still have quite a few errands to run, people to see, and things to do.  With 3 whole days left I hope we have enough time.  I knew moving would be stressful, but I don't think I realistically prepared myself for this amount.  Luckily, I have the most amazing friends who have taken us in, got us food, watched the kiddos, and gave us shoulders to cry on when it came to be too much.

I will post some pictures of the 'organized chaos' that is Chez Relph later on...wish us luck!!

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